Little Viking is a film and video production company based in Glasgow, Scotland. Our first funded short Spores (supported by the Scottish Film Talent Network) has screen at the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Bogoshorts in Bogota, Columbia and WOFFF Brighton, UK. Our debut self-funded short The Things That Are Important To Us was selected for the Glasgow Short Film Festival. We've also shot music videos for Courier's Club, Hopeless Heroic and Broken Records the latter of which picked up a best music video nomination at the Bafta Scotland New Talent Awards. |
News[Sept '17] Spores will screen at WOFFF in Brighton, uk on 17th Sept.[Oct '16] Our latest music video for Courier's Club's The Big Sleep is available online [Nov '16] Spores has been selected for the Bogoshorts short film festival in Bogota, Columba. [June '16] Spores had it's world premiere at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. [sept '15] Spores is now completed, and we're thrilled with the results. Watch this space for screenings. [apr '15] We're thrilled to announce that our second short Spores will go into full production with the support of the Scottish Film Talent Network New Talent Shorts, one of 6 selected for funding. [feb '15] Our new project Spores has been selected for development by the Scottish Film Talent Network New Talent Shorts. One of 14 projects selected, five of which will be funded for production. The Things That Are Important To Us has been shortlisted for The Skinny and Innis & Gunn Short Film competition We're delighted to announce that out first short film The Things That Are Important To Us was selected for The Glasgow Short Film Festival and screened on the 14th Feb 2014. |